The very first question I ask for a wardrobe revamp is “What coat hangers are you using?”.
And, like most of my clients who I ask this, you might be thinking “I have no idea what that has to do with making my wardrobe hot?”.
Well, there’s always a ‘method in my madness’ and I’m going to tell you why it matters.
So, read on my friend!
Consistency is Key
First of all, a mish mash of hangers will get you nothing more than a hot tangle and take up more room in your wardrobe. That’s right… MORE room! And if you’re using wooden hangers, they will waste around half of your wardrobe space!
Wooden Hangers
Don’t get me wrong, wooden coat hangers do have their place. They are great to use for heavy coats and suits, but by changing your coat hangers out to my number one favourite, VELVET HANGERS, you will give yourself nearly double the space before you have even started the declutter!
Wire Hangers – use with caution!
Wire Hangers
Now, if you’re using the wire hangers you get from the dry cleaners, please, please, please do yourself a favour and get rid of these. They not only start the tangled mess in your closet, but they are the absolute worst for making your clothes stretch out of shape. If you’re thinking “I just can’t throw away those good coat hangers into landfill”, I hear you… most dry cleaners will take them back and reuse them! Win, win.
Plastic Hangers
My second go to hanger is the plastic hanger. These again help your clothing hold shape but don’t take up as much room as the wooden hangers. The one tip I will give you is to buy plastic hangers that have indentations for straps. This will stop your clothing from slipping off the hanger and creating an unsightly mess.
And the winner is… Velvet Hangers
But, as I said, the velvet hangers are a game-changer when it comes to keeping your clothes organised, and here’s why:
They’re non-slip.
They’re space-saving.
They’re gentle on your clothes.
They’re stylish.
Overall, velvet coat hangers are a great investment if you’re looking to revamp your closet organisation. So why not give them a try and see the difference they can make in your closet.
Happy hanging!
Leena is a Professional Home Organisers based in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire.