How do you start decluttering when you’re overwhelmed?

Getting Started
Commonly when we have a big list of things to do, we are taught to do the
hardest or
biggest thing first to get it out of the way, right?
Well when it comes to those starting their decluttering journey by themselves, it is the
total opposite.
The thought of decluttering is an extremely overwhelming task for most people and tackling the hardest room in the house first is only going to knock down your confidence and motivation to keep going when it starts getting hard.
Start Small
Instead, start with a small area like a small cupboard or bedside table.
By starting small, you’re more likely to actually finish the job. The satisfaction and pride that you get from finishing the job is going to build your confidence to keep going and as you continue working your way through the house, you will become more assertive with your decisions and organising methods.

Make it Manageable
When you get to the big jobs, if you are still feeling overwhelmed, break it down to smaller, more manageable jobs.
Here’s an example
For example you are decluttering your overflowing linen cupboard. Instead of doing it all, take it one category at a time
- Declutter your beach towels first.
- Then your bath towels,
- Then your washcloths and floor mats
- Then pillow cases, so on and so on until you have collectively done the whole job.
Like anything in life when you first start, you’re going to need practice so don’t let your lack of practice stop you from starting.

Good luck – and if you need some support in your home then outsource it to a Professional Home Organiser.